✈海外移籍 英会話 Lesson9 けが

I have an appointment



Receptionist : Hello. How MayI help you today?

“Patient : Hello. I’m here for physical today.
Receptionist : Do you have an appointment today?”
“Patient : Yes, I have an appointment with Dr. xxxx at 9am.

Receptionist : Ok. Please fill this paper out while you are waiting. If you have any questions, please let me know. “
(Patient fills out the paperwork in weiting area)

Patient : Here you go.
Receptionist : Thank you. Please have a seat and wait for a sec.


I have an appointment with~: 〜さんと約束/予約があります。

定期的に行う健康診断のことは一般的にPhysicalと呼ばれます。Medical check、という言い方でももちろん通じますが、日本人が思い浮かべる定期検診のようなもので言うとPhysicalという言い方の方が近いでしょう。

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