Genki Haraguchi 原口元気

It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change. Charles Darwin (ダーウィン1809~1882)

Interviewer+Editor / Takayanagi Koichi
Profile 株式会社インターファースト 代表取締役 1990年創立 一般社団法人スポーツキャピタルマネジメント 代表理事 ・法政大学大学院 経営学研究科 経営学修士 MBA取得 ・筑波大学大学院 人間総合科学研究科 体育学修士 研究 ・日本スポーツ振興センター(JSC)2020年ターゲットエイジ 育成・強化プロジェクト(タレント発掘・育成コンソーシアム)アスリートライフスタイル研究会メンバー ・筑波大学 産学協同リエゾンセンター 客員研究員 スポーツ実技指導を通じたマインドセット教育の効果的質的向上に関する研究。 実績・講演 ・文科省委託事業 2010年~ 「エリートアカデミー生キャリアコンサルティング」 ・スポーツ庁委託事業 「エリートアカデミー生キャリアコンサルティング」 ・ジュニアアスリートに対して、学習、語学、キャリア教育、インタビュートレーニング ・福岡県、長野県、青森県、愛知県タレント発掘事業「言語教育」指導および指導者講習 ・Jクラブの指導者に対しての育成及びセカンドキャリアの講習・循環型人財育成のシステム構築・コアファン構築のコンサルティング メディア ・名古屋MIDFMにて「海外移籍をする選手の為の英会話」を6か月間放送!
YouTube トップアスリートアカデミーチャンネル【公式】
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change. Charles Darwin (1809-1882)
Genki Haraguchi
Since becoming the new coach, my playing time has decreased… I came here with the determination to make a difference, but as time passed and things didn’t click with the team, my performance started to decline.
During that time, what did you do?
I focused on what I could do every day.
The team tactics changed with the new coach.
Yes, with the new coach, the style of play and tactics naturally changed, and it seems that the need for an inside half position diminished. As a result, I had to drop back and aim for playing time as a defensive midfielder.There is also Endo, who played as a defensive midfielder for the Japanese national team. Yes, I’m learning about playing as a defensive midfielder from Endo .
Is there a big difference in playing as a defensive midfielder compared to an inside half?
There is a significant difference. It’s only about a 10-meter difference, but the world you see is completely different. Moreover, the mindset or “thinking” in that position is different, so I’m really studying every day.
Is the mindset different depending on the position? It changes how you view soccer. Simply put, when you’re a forward, scoring one goal can change your situation. But as a defensive midfielder, losing the ball can lead to conceding a goal. This difference is significant. So I’m studying judgment skills, positioning, and further training on ball control.
Indeed, positioning can be completely different depending on the position.
Yes, if you want to approach it with a high level of expertise, it requires a lot of experience. But there’s no choice but to take the time and work on it.
You mentioned ball control earlier. Yes, especially as a defensive midfielder, you have to prevent losing the ball, so I’m practicing the basic skills of “stopping and passing.”
At your level, isn’t that already something you can do?
Not at all (laughs). I have to perform with even higher precision, so I’m practicing with a technical coach. After training, I used to focus on shooting practice and dribbling, but lately, there’s been a lot of emphasis on “stopping and passing” training.
It’s a very thoughtful discussion. Even with your previous career in the Bundesliga, it’s still important, isn’t it? Mastering “stopping and passing” is a fundamental skill for handling the ball. I didn’t have that level of commitment when I was a forward. As a forward, of course, “stopping and passing” is important, but beyond that, creativity is required, so I didn’t think about it that much. But now it’s different.
How do you approach the position change at this age?
I can’t say how others feel, but personally, I perceive it as very positive. Of course, if I can still contribute as an inside half, that’s fine too. But if the situation changes and I can’t fulfill that role, I believe I have to adapt. However, the most significant aspect for me is that I can see a new world, learn, and experience growth.
What do you mean by a new world?
Compared to my previous position, which was just 10 meters away, there is still a lot of knowledge and techniques that I’m unfamiliar with, and I find joy in absorbing them every day.
It may be a rather positive mindset, but I’m not sure. However, without being positive, it’s difficult to survive. Of course, there are times when I feel down or anxious, but I have to be that way because there’s no other choice, so it naturally becomes part of me (laughs).
What do you do when your condition doesn’t improve? There are times when I feel down, but in my case, I might seek advice from others and take action. I don’t just stay down, I try to take any action I can to improve, even if it’s just a small step.
Taking action is crucial, it seems. Yes, now that you mention it, I naturally find myself doing that. Especially when it comes to something new, I might ask or rely on people I’ve known for a long time.
Can you share your future outlook? Rather than thinking about the future, I’m focusing on each game to secure the team’s survival. If we win, the situation will change, so I’ll think about what comes next after that.
During this interview, the team was in a precarious position with only three games left to secure their survival. However, I was deeply intrigued by the positive approach displayed. While there may be pride in past achievements with Germany and the Japanese national team, it seemed that the challenge of entering a new world and the growth experienced within it were even more significant. This can be seen as a state of redefining oneself through a change in soccer position, a form of “resurrection” in order to survive and revive.
Translation of the provided text:
It may be a rather positive mindset, but I’m not sure. However, without being positive, it’s difficult to survive. There are times when I feel down or anxious, but I have to be that way because there’s no other choice, so it naturally becomes part of me (laughs).
What do you do when your condition doesn’t improve? There are times when I feel down, but in my case, I might seek advice from others and take action. I don’t just stay down, I try to take any action I can to improve, even if it’s just a small step.
Taking action is crucial, it seems. Yes, now that you mention it, I naturally find myself doing that. Especially when it comes to something new, I might ask or rely on people I’ve known for a long time.
Can you share your future outlook? Rather than thinking about the future, I’m focusing on each game to secure the team’s survival. If we win, the situation will change, so I’ll think about what comes next after that.
During this interview, the team was in a precarious position with only three games left to secure their survival. However, I was deeply intrigued by the positive approach displayed. While there may be pride in past achievements with Germany and the Japanese national team, it seemed that the challenge of entering a new world and the growth experienced within it were even more significant. This can be seen as a state of redefining oneself through a change in soccer position, a form of “resurrection” in order to survive and revive.